office expressions.

musings from my experience at the home/office.

Friday, April 1, 2011

List #1

Friday List
(this is the first posting of a random list of thoughts I have related to the topic of werking from home).

1. I'm really glad it's Friday, mostly because I get to spend some quality time with good friends tonight...despite the fact that it is a goodbye dinner for two of our close friends who are leaving us for South Carolina...
2. I'm feeling fairly productive today, which is always a good way to round out the week. I had the opportunity to lead a conference call today which seemed to go really well. (Even though my co.werker's phone connection wouldn't let him be heard, for the first time, ever.)

3. Darn it, I just realized I already brushed my teeth without finishing off my morning coffee.

4. Jake has taken it on himself to act as my in-house IT support, for which I am EXTREMELY thankful.

5. On a 70 degree day like today, I'd really rather be figuring out how to get my herb garden started. Perhaps that will be a post-gym, pre-shower project for later on this afternoon. I am determined to have cilantro, basil, and rosemary laced food this summer. YUM.

6. At least Jake has someone keeping him company underneath HIS desk. Yep, she's still being a weanie and will not come into my office unless I am on the floor next to her.
7. Jake gets to experience inserting his first catheter on a fake patient today. I'm thankful that people have this skill, and I am also thankful I am not one of those people. Eesh.

8. It's April Fools day, which somewhat makes me wish I had some unwitting co.werker's cube nearby to cover in saran wrap or so that I could switch everything in their office to the opposite side of how they have it set up. (Which reminds me of some of the better pranks I have pulled off in my college days...I wonder what ever DID happen to that nasty swimming suit "someone" picked up off the floor of the Minneapolis Airport and wrapped around Megan's pillow...jeez, that was mean!)

9. I attended a baby shower at Headquarter's yesterday, and we were all supposed to bring our favorite children's book. Apparently, I was super unique and brought 1 of 3 copies of 'The Giving Tree' by Shel Silverstein. 
Funny Wedding Ecard: We'll always cherish the item we exchanged your gift for.

10. I made a salad to bring to some friends' house for dinner on Tuesday. The recipe said it would make 6 servings...I should have known better that 3 bell peppers, 3 cucumbers, and 3 types of lettuce later would have me eating gallons of this salad for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the rest of the week. A least I don't have any judgmental co.werkers asking me why I brought the same thing for lunch the last three days in a row. The salad is super yummy, but I feel like I'm an unwilling participant in some sort of vegan cleanse...yep. 

Happy Friday!

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